Seminar about “On Line Pattern Recognition for Handwritten Mathematical Formulas” at Faculty of Computing in Rabigh

Mr. Mohammad Reyalat presented a seminar about “On Line Pattern Recognition for Handwritten Mathematical Formulas” in Faculty of Computing and Information Technology in Rabigh on Monday 30/4/2012  at 12:00 noon. FCITR faculty members attended the seminar. The following  is the brief of the seminars:
Mr. Mohammad started his seminar by defining the concept of pattern recognition which is a classification of input data via extracting important features from a lot of noisy data. After that, the differences between Online and offline recognition were clarified. On-line recognition refers to methods and techniques which are dealing with the automatic processing of a message as it is written, but Off-line case pertains to scanned images, so it does not deal with the processing of a message as it is written.
    After that, the objective of the study was determined, and some of necessary background information was presented to attendant to help them to understand clearly the contents of this study. Then, the proposed algorithm was explained in details. The first step of this algorithm includes calculating the slope between each two successive points in the drawn symbol, the next step includes finding the general specification for the shape, the next step includes removing the noise from the obtained data in the previous step, the fourth step includes the process of feature extraction and the final step includes storing the obtained features from the previous step into a database.
    The techniques of machine learning were implemented heavily in this study. A lot of difficulties that faced Mr. mohammad during the implementation of this algorithm were presented to attendant. The fields of application for this algorithm were discussed at the end of the seminar.

Last Update
9/29/2012 12:56:24 PM