FCITR held the second programming contest

Faculty of Computing and Information Technology in Rabigh held on Saturday 12/5/2012 the second programming contest with wide participation from students and with supervision and follow-up of judge committee.
The holding of this contest program for students comes in sync with many activities and events that abound in the Faculty of Computing in Rabigh in order to establish a scientific atmosphere in the faculty and to supplement the academic process activities. These activities will enhance the confidence of the student through involvement in many of the events and activities that benefit him in the future.
The contest started at 12:00 noon on Saturday, 21/6/1433. Participating students were distributed to devices intended for competition, and organized in groups. Participating students were given a quick overview of laws and conditions of the competition. After that the questions were distributed to the attendant students.
The activities of the contest lasted for three hours; Most of students have shown an excellent level of problem-solving techniques. Supervisory Committee has followed the students during the time of the competition and clarified the queries of them.
The holding of this competition comes as a complement for the two workshops that were held in the Faculty of Computing in Rabigh in this semester in which a complete clarification has presented to students about the system of the programming contest, the nature of tasks that will be asked to do in the contest and the importance of participating in such competitions and the extent of the benefits that accrue to the student from participating in such competitions. Then students were divided into multiple groups and a number of worksheets that were prepared in advance have been distributed in order to increase and improve the level of programming skills of students. After that, a number of simple, moderate and complex problems were presented to attendant students that they need deep skills in writing code and building algorithms.
The activities of the contest ended at 3:00Pm on Saturday, 12/5/2012. Final results of the contest will be announced after approval of his Excellency the Dean of the faculty, and the distribution of prizes and certificates will be held at a special ceremony.

Last Update
9/29/2012 12:50:19 PM